Crone Consulting LLC’s principals Richard Crone and Heidi Liebenguth frequently deliver highly-rated Keynote Addresses for leading industry conferences such as the BAI, ABA, AFP, AFT, NACHA, NRF, CTIA, National Restaurant Association (NRA), FMI, NACS, NGA, ATMIA, IOFM, CUNA, NCUA, ICE, CFSI, ETA, CBA, CUES, EFTA, ICMI, IQPC, MEF, SourceMedia, Strategic Solutions Network, TMA, WIB, WPA, etc.
Click here for a brief bio on Richard Crone; Heidi Liebenguth.
Board of Directors Retreats
The Crone Consulting LLC team leads high impact visioning sessions, market updates and strategic planning workshops for Boards of Directors retreats. The content can be tailored to the specific needs and interests of the sponsoring organization.
Press Assistance
Crone Consulting LLC has published numerous articles, and regularly contributes market insights to online and traditional media including the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, the American Banker, Advertising Age, USA Today, Business Week, Fortune, Information Week, Fox Business, National Public Radio, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Jose Mercury News, US News & World Report, Wired, CIO Magazine, Bank Technology News, Credit Union Journal, Washington Post, Bank Systems + Technology, PC Week, TechCrunch, Stores Magazine, etc.
Contact us here.